Sunday, September 22, 2019
Decreasing Population of Bachelor of Secondary Education Essay Example for Free
Decreasing Population of Bachelor of Secondary Education Essay INTRODUCTION Anyone who chooses a teaching career in the Philippines must hold a degree in teacher education. Teachers in public and private elementary schools must have at least a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. High school teachers are expected to have a bachelor’s degree in secondary education with specialization (a major and a minor) in high school subjects. Both degrees are awarded upon successful completion of approved teacher education courses in recognized institutions. Teaching in colleges or professional degree programmes at the tertiary level requires at least a master’s degree in a particular area of specialization. But obviously, population of Bachelor of Secondary Education students were decreasing ultimately. Because of these, quality of education in the Philippines will likely face a crisis if the current trends in decreasing college enrolment and increasing dropouts especially Bachelor of Secondary Education and Bachelor of Elementary Education will continue. There are several factors to consider why the population of Education students diminished. Due to continuing tuition hikes, many college students decided to take vocational courses. Recently, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) National Commission of the Philippines reported that approximately 22 percent overall student survivals from first to fourth Year College. And undeniably, teacher is a very stressful profession. Teacher engaged in actual classroom teaching that render not more than eight hours of actual classroom teaching a day, preparation and correction of exercises and other work incidental to his/her normal teaching duties. Secondary teachers shall be assigned to no more than six daily forty-minute periods of instruction. For college, the normal teaching load of a full-time instructor shall be eighteen hours a week. The teaching load of part-time instructors who are full-time employees outside of teaching shall not exceed twelve hours per week. However, the average teachers’ salary at present is inadequate as source of livelihood. Teaching is a noble profession companied by the fact that they have a lot of pressure responsibilities to mould people in the society they belong. RELATED LITERATURE Teaching is a profession whose rewards have the potential to be great, yet its challenges have the potential to be frustrating at the same time. Teachers have the opportunity to positively impact their students lives. Helping young people reach their potential is extremely rewarding. However, some students are difficult to connect with, or have problems that interfere with their behavior and performance in the classroom. Aside from that, they also encounter difficulties in their work schedule, most teachers arrive at school early, stay late or bring work home. Planning, grading, meetings, conferences and professional development must be accomplished in addition to the daily teaching of lessons. They are also a typical 10-month employee and are off when school is closed for holidays and vacations. However, teachers may have to get summer jobs to supplement their salaries (Sally Miller, 2005). All higher education institutions in all countries have experienced tension between the demand to be specifically applicable to local needs and the desire to maintain ideas and values of universal reference (Hargreaves, 1973). Basically in Bachelor of Secondary Education or in any other teaching/education courses. The management structure of primary teaching education is inadequately organized to guide teacher education institute in accordance with the national development strategy. Rigidity and inefficiency in the schooling process result from the absence of effective, central and complete planning(Dunkley, 1981). Because of this, teacher’s wanna be decreasing extremely. According to Dr. Rupert Maclean(1988), there are some important implications for the development of the system of teacher education in the region such as: (1) need to recognize that the pursuit of learning is a lifelong process, (2)an examination of the extent to which educational institutions should be autonomous, and the consideration of the social and economic cost and benefits involved when greater autonomy occurs, (3)the reform and expansion of teacher education as a vital step towards the rejuvenation of public education. On the other hand, A Unesco Publication, The Changing Role of the Teacher, states â€Å"There was a time when the teacher’s roles was to pass down to the younger generation the knowledge, experiences and mythology of a slow evolving society The pace of change in contemporary society has made his role redundant. The role of teacher must be, among other things, a change agent. It does not matter whether one is addressing the situation in a developing country or an industrialized nation, the problem remains the same. What are the new dimensions of his/her role, and how is the teacher to be trained to fulfil that role. In examining the changing role of the teacher we need to see the changes as being a response to, and an attempt to confront the pressure of a society undergoing constant transition†(Goble and Porter, 1977). For this statement, we can say that teachers play an important role in changing the education in the society. For example, in Malaysia, education is envisioned to serve two important functions: (1)a means to achieve national unity and (2) a vehicle for national development. Since 1964, English was slowly replace by Bahasa Malaysia, the argument being that a nation system of education using a common medium of instruction, in addition to a common syllabus , will provide a strong base for promoting national unity. Unfortunately, the policy has created inter-ethnic tension, in view of the fact that in Malaysia about 53% are Chinese and about 11% are Indian origin(S. Husin Ali, Chang Yii Tan, Tan Boon Kean, 1987). Teacher is responsible in almost every job in the society especially when we are talking about the future of every student they handle in primary, secondary and tertiary level. Focusing in higher education, according to Trow(1938:132) higher education itself ‘a stratified system of institution, graded formally or informally in status and prestige, in wealth, power and influence of various kind. Moreover, teacher in the Philippines had its beginning as early as Spanish period. Teacher education programs have always been dictated by the urgent needs of the time, Before 1950, there were only a few state colleges offering a teacher education program. However, when the Department of Education reported the gravity of the problem of undersupply of professionally qualified teachers, enrolment in teacher education registered slowly upward. To encourage more schools to offer teacher education courses, requirements for opening normal schools and college were relaxed(Carson, 1978). Furthermore, most countries in the region of Asia recognize the crucial importance of pre-service education for teachers. For instance, the 1986 National Policy on Education states that â€Å"no people can rise above the level of its teachers†(de la Cruz, Leandro, 1988). Lastly, most important evidence of quality in an education system is to be found in the quality of the pupils/students produced. The problem, however, is to arrive at satisfactory indicators which will show that better quality education has been achieve (Adams, 1988). Accordingly, much discussion in quality and standards will show in this research. And also this study will attempt to show what was really the factors we can consider in the change in population of education students. For future studies, it will be necessary to analyze different data that related in the given topic. This research will have the great contribution in people awareness especially students on what are the trends in higher education. METHODOLOGY In order to gain information, the researcher conducted an interview with the highschool teacher including Mrs. Carol Isidro (Filipino II), Mrs. Crisamie Mendieta(Physics), Mrs. Laudato (Filipino II), Mrs. Musa (English I) and university instructors namely Ms. Michelle Zuniga (ITEC), Ms. Rona Feranil (Math), Ms. Jeneth Menil (P.E. and English), Mrs. Cherry Rose S. Uminga (Biology), Mrs. Grace Balingit ( Campus Asst. Librarian). It was made on March 3-5, 2010 at the Carmona National Highschool and Cavite State University- Carmona Campus. The researchers were able to perform an interview through the use of interview sheet/form/guide which the data currently record. They also used a pen to write every single information that the interviewee provide. During the pre-interview stage, the researchers put all the possible questions in a sheet of paper and improve it through the use of Microsoft word 2003. They also used Xerox machine to multiply the number of interview form/ guide. At the interview proper, the researchers used English language as the mode of communication. They apply formal way of gathering the point of views of the target population. And at the post interview stage, the researcher combined all ideas that the sample population had provide. Some of the information they were able to gather play an important role in interpreting the different ideas in understanding the cause of the issue of decreasing population of Bachelor of Secondary Education. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In pre-Spanish times, education was informal, unstructured, and devoid of methods. Children were provided more vocational training and less academics by their parents and in the houses of tribal tutors. Major changes in education system happened during the Spanish colonization. The tribal tutors were replaced by the Spanish Missionaries. Education was religion-oriented. It was for the elite, especially in the early years of Spanish colonization. But education during that period was inadequate, suppressed, and controlled. According to a new report of Commission on Higher Education (CHED), that the number of tertiary population in schoolyear 2002-2003 was 1.87 million compared to 2.4 million in 1994-1995. It cites however that general population of college students in the universities without classifying the program they belong was decrease incredibly. Even though there have not been any formal studies and analysis about this subject, there are several people and organization that will contribute in the explanation of the issue. According to Raymond Palatino, vice president of Anak ng Bayan (nation’s youth), college students who can no longer afford to study a four year course are planning to shift in other program usually vocational just to achieve their dream of earning a college diploma. In the lowering economic status of the Philippines, teachers play an important role in molding a future to a better one. Bachelor of Secondary Education program and many other teaching-related program students will likely face a doubt in pursuing their profession. They are more responsible in all aspects of an economy rather than any other job. Thus, they have great mission in everyone’s life. The purpose of this research is to provide consciousness towards the current issue of diminishing number of college students specifically Bachelor of Secondary Education students. Knowledge about this topic would make people aware in possibilities and reasons behind education status of a country. Concerning the standard of education in the Philippines, in June 2009 the president of the Federation of Accrediting Agencies of the Philippines (FAAP) cited the Congressional Commission on Education (EDCOM) notice a continuing decline in the quality of education in this country. He said this was due to four main factors: a) mismanagement of the educational system, b) not investing wisely in education, c) lack of management competencies, d) systemic corruption. Another reason why the Philippines is not a major supplier of tertiary education for overseas students in the region is because some instructors and professors in SUC’s (state universities and colleges) be deficient in several abilities in professional teaching. These mandated subjects include the life and works of Filipino national hero Dr Jose Rizal, three subjects of Filipino language, and basic mathematics, science, and Filipino cultural subjects more appropriate for senior high school than for tertiary level. Also in order for the researcher to have primary information about the certain matter, they conducted an interview and look some documents that will testify the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education students in Cavite State University and Carmona National Highschool located at the community of Carmona, Cavite. The basic purpose of the interview was to gather different opinions and personal point of views of the people which generally related to the issue and the aim of the documents was to show relation of different information. The mode of communication during the interview proper is in English language in order to show formality and may give highly appropriate information. The prepared question in the interview guide/form was commonly as regards to the behavior, characteristics and ability of the sample population. From the school documents of Cavite State University, the researcher was able to identify the number of Bachelor of Secondary Education during first and second semester since 2002 at given university. As a follow up to this information, the Graph 1 shows the overall population of the enrollees of BSE program. Figure 1 Graph of enrolled students in BSE program at CvSU Carmona Campus, (Mrs. Mojica, Campus Registrar) As can be seen by the graph, the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education was inconsistent. At school year 2002-2003, during first semester of given year, the recorded population was 22 enrollees. At the latter part or in second semester, the population increased by 26. The population through that year (2002-2003) was said to be slightly increased. At first semester of 2003-2004, the enrollees were 84, and at the second semester in decreased by 76. At the first semester of 2004-2005, the documented enrollees increased by 119, and at the second semester, the enrollees extremely increased by 124. The inconsistency of the population appears at the middle of the year between 2002 to 2007. During the first semester, the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education at year 2005-2006 was 132 and at the second semester it declines to 121. At reach of 2006, the population on that particular campus noticeably decreases. The year 2006-2007, first semester, the enrollees was 110, it decrease to 104. And at the following year (2007-2008), the BSE students was consisted of 86 (first semester) and 93(second semester). At 2008-2009, the BSE program students got their smallest population at only 71 during first semester and 66 at second semester. Fortunately, it survives and reaches 84 enrollees at first semester of the year 2009-2010 and at second semester it decreased to 71. The population in that particular campus was the number of Bachelor of Secondary Education students in all year levels. The researchers also gather information from the teachers of Carmona National Highschool and instructors of Cavite State University-Carmona Campus through interview. From 5 sample population that the researchers were able to interview, such results only shows that people are aware in the tertiary level issue especially in teaching program. The first question at the interview guide was the reasons why did they choose Education program as their profession. From 5 interviewees 2 of them answered that that’s their parent’s choice. Also 2 of them proclaimed as their passion at the remaining one said that it’s their childhood dream. The result of first question shows that variation in reasons on choosing their program occurs. There are several aspects in choosing a program. It may be the behavior of a students or the behavior of the people around them. Another question although too broad to discuss â€Å"what are the factors to consider in choosing a program?†According to the observation of teachers/instructors there are too many factors they consider in entering the field of teaching. It can be the (1)parents choice, (2)job demand, (3)stability or security of the future job, (4) location of the school, (5)availability of the school, (6)scholarship offered, (7) line of interest, passion, personal choice or childhood dream (8) affordability or in financial matters, (9)relatives or friends influence. Another question answered by the interviewee, â€Å"What did you notice in the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education nowadays?†tested the attentiveness of the respondents. The result was interesting because majority showed that they see population of BSE students was said to be decreased. Only 1 of them, out of 5 answered that it increased. In order for the researcher to identify point of views of the sample population about the factors that affect the decreasing population of BSE students, they include it in their interview guide. The results of the question give ideas about the aspects which is much related in a given topic. The main factors given by the teacher/instructors were: (1) financial, (2) job demand, (3) unable to reach the standard, (4) majorship offered in the universities, (5) stressful, (6) issues or bad images of the teachers nowadays, (7) salary, and (8) chance to go abroad. The result of this question provides an appropriate answer about the certain topic. Although no longer the main component of this research, most of the target population that researchers able to interview has smaller number of colleagues whom they really want to be a teacher. According to Ms. Jeneth Menil (Engl and P.E. teacher in CvSU), and Ms. Tita Salamatin (English instructor in CvSU) approximately 10 % of her overall classmates in highschool really wants to be a teacher. And base on the observation Ms. Michelle Zuniga (ITEC teacher in CvSU) there are only 5 % wishes to be a teacher. Mrs Crisamie Mendieta (Physics teacher in CNHS) proclaimed that 2 out of 40 of her secondary classmates has a passion of teaching. While Mrs. Musa (English teacher in CNHS) notified that there are about 20 % of her highschool colleagues would like to be an educator. Fortunately, according to them, most of their highschool classmates including the teachers/instructors they interviewed whom wants to be a teacher pursued what they really want to be. Luckily, after several years of studying in teahing profession most of them succeed to be a teacher. But during their stage of studying in college, their college colleagues their population inside the campus as the Bachelor of Secondary Education students, their population said to be diminished as they reach their senior year. They give possible reason on why this condition occurs. The target interviewee told so that money is one of the greatest possible reasons for that. Some of their classmates choose the more convenient, time-saving courses such as vocational courses. Another reason was some of their colleagues realized that it is not their line of interest or their passion. According to Mrs. Mendieta others would like to take medicine/nursing for they think that it is in demand abroad. Lastly, the researcher confirmed that the population of Bachelor of Secondary Education decline after several years of establishing a teaching related field. They also give an idea about several factors on why this circumstance triggers. CONCLUSION The researchers prove that the population of students taking up of Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) is decreasing due to the different reasons. The researchers also conclude that there are several factors that really affect on students in order for them not to choose teaching programs. Those factors include: (1) financial, (2) job demand, (3) unable to reach the standard, (4) majorship offered in the universities, (5) stressful, (6) issues or bad images of the teachers nowadays, (7) salary, and (8) chance to go abroad. Each factor was perceived by the target population which consists of highschool teachers and university instructors. This research show that aside from giving readers an idea about the condition in terms of population of the tertiary level students specifically Bachelor of Secondary Education (BSE) program, it also provide awareness about the factors that affect in this phenomenon. Although not really a main part of the research, the researchers still provide information about the vast majority of teachers interviewed indicate that they are satisfied with their jobs, but there are problems. While teachers salaries have improved, many teachers believe that their pay is still inadequate. Local conditions have a major impact on teacher satisfaction. On the teachers wish list for job improvement are lighter workloads, more parental support, fewer discipline problems, and greater administration support. Students at tertiary level have a freedom to choose what program they were able take, but researchers tries to identify the major causes, effects, and explanation in the current trends in the society. They also supply needed information and data in order to understand what really the topic is. Recommendations, suggestions, clarifications and point of views by different kind of people combined in only one research paper and organize it according to purpose. This research aims to promote the Bachelor of Secondary Education program and it also intends to increase the number of enrollees to certain program.
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